The Oregon Community Swim Club strives to lead the community in youth competitive swimming. Our specialized program encourages the development of character and self-discipline of swimmers of all ages and abilities. Through commitment, hard work and creativity we celebrate who we are in the pursuit of excellence.


5 Principles


1. We Are ONE. Even though we train in 

different groups and have individual goals 

we share the bond of collectively being 

OCSC and sharing the club's history, 

traditions and values. 

2. We Are COMMITMENT. We are committed to 

the pursuit of excellence. Both in and out of 

the pool we are ambassadors, role models 

and leaders, not followers. We set brave goals 

and strive together to achieve them. 

3. We Are RESPECT. We respect ourselves and 

others therefore, expect good things from and 

for ourselves. We practice great sportsmanship, 

follow the rules and honor our teammates with 

our effort. 

4. We Are JOY. We love to swim and we love to  

learn. We compete to have fun! 

5. We Are LOYAL & We Are FAMILY. We are proud  of being part of this team, something bigger than  self. We value the past, the present and the future of our  community family.